4 Dec 2003

Now the cabinets have been installed.  These pictures were taken from roughly the same angles as the pictures of the old kitchen.  The lights aren't ready yet so I took these pictures without being able to see much.  The flash fills in nicely.

(What you don't see in these pictures is the new water pipes and gas pipe in the walls and under the floor.  Also we had the electrical panel replaced and the service upgraded to 200 amps.)


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The new layout does not have the peninsula and we've extended both sides of the kitchen about one foot into the dining area


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The black trim bar will go on the bottom of the cabinets also.  That will be installed once the countertop and backsplash have been done.


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The glass in the cabinet doors is actually less transparent than it seems in this photo.  On the left is the wire that will power the flourescent lights under the wall cabinets.


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The refrigerator will go here.   The copper tubing will supply water to the filter and icemaker in the new fridge.  (We weren't going to have this originally, but they installed it so we might as well use it.


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The exhaust hood goes here, right over the range.  The exhaust vent will be enclosed in a box both over the cabinets and inside the cabinet to make it look nicer.


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Notice how the front of the sink is recessed from the front of the other cabinets on either side.  This allows the dishwasher to be placed closer to the sink while still allowing enough room for a person to stand in front of the sink while loading it.  This was suggested by the cabinet salesman.

He also suggested that we not buy the corner unit, but just the door.   The installers could build up the rest with filler pieces and plywood.  This gives us more storage space under the sink and saved us about $1000!


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I did the painting myself.  If you stand back and squint your eyes it looks pretty good!

After 14 years, that horrid peach color is finally gone!


Left to do:

